Liturgical Texts

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July 21st, 2024

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost & Fourth Sunday of Matthew
Righteous Fathers John of Edessa in Mesopotamia & Simeon of Homs (Emesa), the Fool-for-Christ



On July 21 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we commemorate our Righteous Fathers John of Edessa in Mesopotamia; and Simeon of Homs (Emesa), the Fool-for-Christ.

A wise fool wast thou, mocking life, O Father Simeon, escaping even to the end the crafty serpent.
O John, thou chosest to dwell in barren regions, whereby thou didst render carnal passions barren.
On the twenty-first died Simeon the mock-fool and mocker.

Both men received the monastic tonsure at the hands of the Abbot Nicon in the Monastery of St. Gerasimos. They withdrew into the wilderness near the Dead Sea where they lived an austere life of asceticism for nearly thirty years. They mortified their bodies so much that they resembled two withered trees. One day Simeon told John that, according to God's command, he must depart from the wilderness, go among the people and serve God there. John said to Simeon, "Pray to God for me, that He does not separate us, one from the other, in the future life." Simeon went among the people of Homs, Syria as a "fool for Christ," to teach people and to convert them to the Faith of Christ. He pretended insanity before everyone but his heart was the temple of the Holy Spirit and, in that temple, was unceasing prayer. Simeon possessed abundant grace from God and was able to discern all the inner secrets of people, healing them from evil spirits and other ailments. Simeon came across a young fornicator who went out of his mind. Simeon struck him across the face with his hand and said: "Do not commit fornication." At that moment the unclean demon departed from the young man and he became well. Simeon reposed in 570; by the providence of God, John, who had remained in the wilderness, departed soon after.

By the intercessions of Thy Saints, O Christ God, have mercy upon us. Amen.

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