Liturgical Texts
Here you will find the links to texts for various liturgical services.
Sunday of the Pharisee and the Publican &
Leave-taking of the Presentation (Meeting) of Christ

On February 9 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we take leave of the celebration of the Meeting (Presentation) of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple. On the Sunday which falls during the After-feast of the Presentation (Meeting) of our Lord, we commemorate the Holy and Righteous Mothers of the Three Hierarchs: Emmelia (Basil the Great), Nona (Gregory the Theologian) and Anthousa (John Chrysostom).
On this day, we make remembrance of the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, which occurs in the Holy Gospel according to Luke the Evangelist.
If you resemble the Pharisee, run far away from the Temple; For inside is Christ before Whom only the humble are acceptable.
Verses for the Triodion
O Creator of everything heavenly and earthly, receive Thou from the Angels a Trinitarian song, And from us men a noble and reverent Triodion.
In our Savior’s parable, Jesus uses a Pharisee, a leader of the synagogue, who was regarded in public opinion as virtuous; and a publican, a tax collector, who was regarded as oppressive, greedy and a sinner. In their prayers to God, we discover the real hearts of these two men. We thus learn of the harm that comes from pride and the good that comes from humility. The divine Church Fathers sought to alert prepare the Christ-loving clergy and laity for the upcoming period of the Great Fast. Therefore, on this Sunday we are reminded that humility is the greatest weapon against pride, as we imitate the humility of the publican to ascend to the divine heights. Through the intercessions of the wonderworking Saints, O Christ our God, have mercy upon us and save us. Amen.
Please visit the Antiochian Archdiocese Website for Up-To-Date Texts of Services, and Choose the Specific Date on the Calendar.