Liturgical Texts

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October 20th, 2024

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
& Sixth Sunday of Luke
Great-martyr Artemius at Antioch
Venerable Gerasimos the New Ascetic of Kephallenia; Venerable Matrona of Chios



On October 20 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we commemorate the holy Great-Martyr Artemius at Antioch.

Artemius, who in all things in life shone brightly,
was beheaded, departing for the highest glory.
On the twentieth, the neck of swift-witted Artemius was cut.

This glorious saint was Egyptian by birth and the chief commander under Emperor Constantine the Great. Artemius was present with the emperor when the victorious Cross appeared to him. At that moment, Artemius believed in the Lord Christ and was baptized. He was appointed as imperial prefect in Egypt and remained in this position under Emperor Julian the Apostate. He summoned Artemius to Antioch where the apostate emperor subjected two Christian priests, Eugenius and Macarius, to torture. Seeing this, Artemius became greatly enraged and told Julian, “Your death is near.” Julian then stripped Artemius of his military rank and ordered him to be flogged and torn asunder. Artemius was thrown into prison, where the Lord Jesus Christ appeared and healed him. Artemius was beheaded in the year 362. Emperor Julian went out against the Persians and perished dishonorably, as Artemius had foretold. On this day, we also commemorate the Venerable Gerasimos the New Ascetic of Kephallenia; and Venerable Matrona of Chios. By the intercessions of Thy saints, O Christ God, have mercy upon us. Amen.

 Please visit the Antiochian Archdiocese Website for Up-To-Date Texts of Services, and Choose the Specific Date on the Calendar.

Daily Liturgical Texts